Gambling Terms C to D

Have you ever been puzzled by a gambling term? This is the perfect page to have those questions answered and to brush up your betting knowledge.



Capping a Bet

“Capping a bet” in blackjack, and in other table games, is an illicit action where a player adds more chips to an existing bet after the outcome is known or seems highly favorable. This is done covertly, often when the dealer or other players are distracted. The intent is to increase potential winnings dishonestly.

Capping a bet is a form of cheating and is taken very seriously in casinos. It can lead to expulsion from the establishment and potentially legal consequences. Casinos employ various security measures, including surveillance cameras and trained dealers, to prevent and detect such fraudulent activities.

Cash Bonus

A “cash bonus” in the context of casinos refers to a reward given to players, typically as an incentive for signing up, making a deposit, or as a reward for loyal play. Unlike other types of bonuses that might be offered in non-cash forms, like free spins or chips, a cash bonus is actual money credited to the player’s account.

Players can use this bonus to play various games in the casino, and it effectively increases their bankroll, allowing for extended play or the opportunity to place larger bets. However, it’s important to note that cash bonuses often come with specific terms and conditions, such as wagering requirements. These requirements dictate how many times the bonus amount must be bet before a player can withdraw it as cash. Understanding these conditions is crucial for players to fully benefit from the cash bonus.


“Cashback” in the context of casinos is a form of incentive or reward given to players. It’s a portion of the money that a player has lost in bets, returned to them, usually as a percentage. This cashback can be a way for casinos to encourage continued play, reward loyalty, or provide some consolation for losses.

For example, if a casino offers a 10% cashback deal, and a player loses $100, they would receive $10 back. The specifics, such as the percentage of cashback, the period it covers, and any limits on the amount, can vary greatly between casinos and promotions. It’s important for players to understand the terms and conditions of these offers, as they often come with certain requirements or restrictions. Cashback can be a valuable benefit for regular players, offering a way to recoup some losses and extend their gaming sessions.

Casino Advantage

The term “casino advantage,” also known as the “house edge,” refers to the mathematical edge that the casino or house has over the players in any given game. This advantage ensures that, over the long term, the casino will make a profit, regardless of the short-term outcomes of individual players’ games.

Expressed as a percentage, the house edge represents the average gross profit the casino expects to make from each game. For example, if a game has a house edge of 5%, it means that for every $100 wagered, the casino expects to make $5 in profit on average. This advantage varies between different casino games and is a critical factor for players to consider when choosing what to play. Games with a lower house edge are generally more favorable to the player in terms of potential losses over time.


In gambling, “chips” are small, round pieces used as currency in casinos. These tokens represent a monetary value and are used in place of actual cash for betting in various games like poker, blackjack, roulette, and others. Chips are typically made of plastic or clay, and come in different colors and designs, each color representing a different value.

The use of chips in casinos has several purposes. It simplifies the handling of large amounts of money, enhances security, and makes it easier for both players and dealers to keep track of bets. Chips also play a psychological role, as using them can make the amount of money being wagered seem more abstract, which can affect players’ betting behavior. At the end of their casino visit, players exchange their chips back for cash at the cashier’s cage.


“Chuck-a-Luck,” also known as “birdcage,” is a gambling game that shares similarities with Sic Bo. It’s a game of chance played with three dice. The dice are typically kept in a device that resembles a wire-frame birdcage, which pivots at the center. The dealer rotates the cage end over end, with the dice landing at the bottom when the cage stops spinning.

Players bet on the outcome of the dice roll. They can wager on various outcomes, such as a specific number appearing, the sum of the three dice, or combinations of numbers. While Chuck-a-Luck and Sic Bo are similar in their use of three dice, Chuck-a-Luck typically offers fewer betting options and has a different layout. This game has a carnival feel and is known for its simplicity and fast-paced nature, making it a popular choice at some casinos and funfairs.

Cold Table

A “cold table” in gambling refers to a table game, like craps or blackjack, where most players are losing. The term is used in a subjective and superstitious sense, as there’s no actual change in the odds of the game. It’s based on the perception of players and their recent experiences at that particular table.

In games like craps, where player interaction and mood can significantly influence the overall atmosphere, a cold table might be one where players are less enthusiastic or more pessimistic due to a streak of losses. This term is part of the gambling vernacular and reflects the tendency of players to attribute winning and losing streaks to luck or other non-scientific factors, even though the outcomes of these games are governed by chance and the inherent house edge.

Color Up

“Color Up” is a term used in casinos that refers to the process of exchanging a large number of smaller denomination chips for a smaller number of higher denomination chips. This is usually done when a player is leaving a table game like poker or blackjack and has accumulated a large number of chips of lower value.

For example, if a player has many $5 chips, they might ask to color up, and the dealer would exchange these for fewer chips of higher denominations, such as $100 chips. This makes it easier for the player to carry and manage their winnings. The term comes from the fact that casino chips are color-coded based on their value, so “coloring up” literally means exchanging for chips of a different color. This is a standard practice in casinos and helps in maintaining order and ease of transactions at the tables.

Column Bet

A Column Bet in roulette is a wager placed on one of the three vertical columns on the roulette table layout. Each column consists of 12 numbers, spanning from the top to the bottom of the grid.

When you place a Column Bet, you’re betting that one of the numbers in your chosen column will be the winning number. This bet pays 2 to 1, meaning if you win, you receive twice the amount of your bet in addition to your original stake.

However, it’s important to note that if the ball lands on zero (or double zero in American roulette), the Column Bet is lost, as these numbers are not included in any of the columns.

Combination Bet

A Combination Bet in Sic Bo, a popular dice game, is a wager on any two specific numbers appearing on the three dice. In this bet, you choose two distinct numbers between 1 and 6. If both selected numbers appear on any of the three dice after they are rolled, the bet wins.

The odds of winning a Combination Bet are usually 6 to 1, meaning you win six times your wager plus your original stake back if your bet is successful. It’s a simpler bet compared to other options in Sic Bo, offering a balance of risk and potential reward.

Combination Ticket

A Combination Ticket in Keno allows players to make multiple bets on a single ticket, combining various groups of numbers in different ways. This type of ticket enhances the gameplay by enabling more complex betting strategies. Players select several groups of numbers on their ticket and then choose how to combine them – for instance, in pairs, triples, or other combinations.

The beauty of a Combination Ticket lies in its flexibility. It allows players to participate in several bets simultaneously, potentially increasing the chances of winning. Each combination is treated as a separate bet, and the cost of the ticket reflects the total number of combinations played. The payouts for each combination depend on the specific game rules and the number of numbers correctly guessed in each group. This approach to Keno adds an extra layer of excitement and strategy to the game.

Come Bet

A Come Bet in Craps is similar to a Pass Line Bet but can be made after the point has been established. When you place a Come Bet, the next roll of the dice will determine if you win, lose, or establish a come point. If the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 after a Come Bet is made, the bet wins. If a 2, 3, or 12 is rolled, the bet loses. Any other number rolled becomes the ‘come point.’

Once a come point is established, your Come Bet moves to the corresponding number on the table. To win, the shooter must roll this come point number again before rolling a 7. If a 7 is rolled first, the Come Bet loses. The Come Bet allows players to have active wagers on different numbers throughout the game, adding another level of excitement to playing Craps.


In the broader context of casino gaming, “commission” refers to a fee charged by the casino on certain types of bets or games. This fee is usually a percentage of the bet amount or the winnings. The commission serves as a way for the casino to ensure profitability, especially in games where the odds might be more favorable to the player.

The specifics of how commission is applied can vary:

  1. Baccarat: As previously mentioned, a common example is in Baccarat, where a 5% commission is often charged on winning bets placed on the Banker’s hand.
  2. Poker Rooms: In poker, especially in games like Texas Hold’em or Omaha, the casino might take a commission known as a “rake,” which is a small percentage of the pot in each hand, capped at a certain amount.
  3. Financial Betting: Some casinos offer financial betting options (like betting on stock market moves), where a commission might be charged on transactions.
  4. Sports Betting: In sports betting, a commission (often called “vig” or “vigorish”) is built into the odds, ensuring the house retains an edge.

The commission is an essential aspect of casino operations, balancing the odds of the game to ensure the casino’s viability while offering players the chance to win. It’s important for players to be aware of these fees as they can affect the overall profitability of their gambling experience.

Comp Points

Comp Points, short for “Complimentary Points,” are a reward system used by casinos to incentivize and reward their players. These points are earned by players as they engage in games at the casino, be it through slots, table games, or other gambling activities. The basic principle is straightforward: the more you play, the more comp points you accumulate.

The way comp points work can vary between casinos, but generally, they function like this:

  1. Accumulation: Players earn points based on the amount of money they wager. The rate at which points are earned can depend on the game type and the player’s level within the casino’s loyalty program.
  2. Redemption: Once players have accumulated a certain number of comp points, they can redeem them for various rewards. These rewards can include free play, hotel stays, meals, merchandise, and more. In some cases, comp points can also be converted back into cash or playing credits.
  3. Loyalty Programs: Many casinos tie comp points into their broader loyalty or VIP programs. Players with higher status in these programs often earn comp points at a faster rate and have access to better redemption options.

Comp points are a key element of the casino’s strategy to keep players engaged and returning. They not only offer tangible rewards but also create a sense of progress and achievement for players. For regular casino visitors, these points can add significant value to their gaming experience.

Corner Bet

A Corner Bet in Roulette is a type of wager where you place your chips at the corner where four numbers meet on the roulette layout. By doing so, you’re betting that one of these four numbers will be the winning number on the next spin. This type of bet is also sometimes referred to as a Square Bet or a Quarter Bet.

The payout for a Corner Bet is 8 to 1, meaning if your bet wins, you receive eight times your wager plus your original bet back. For instance, if you bet $10 on a corner and win, you would receive $80 in winnings plus your original $10 bet.

The Corner Bet covers a bit more of the roulette table compared to a straight-up bet (betting on a single number) or a split bet (betting on two adjacent numbers), offering a higher chance of winning but with lower payouts compared to these more specific bets. It’s a popular choice for players who want to cover more numbers without spreading their bets too thinly across the table.


Craps is a popular dice game typically played in casinos, as well as in informal settings. The game is known for its distinct table layout and the use of two six-sided dice. The basic premise of Craps is simple: players wager on the outcomes of the rolls, or a series of rolls, of the dice.

Here’s a general overview of how Craps is played:

  1. The Come-Out Roll: The game starts with what’s known as the “come-out roll.” One player, the “shooter,” rolls the dice. Other players at the table bet on the outcome of this roll and subsequent rolls.
  2. Betting on the Pass Line: The most common bet is on the “Pass Line.” If the come-out roll is a 7 or 11, Pass Line bets win. If the roll is a 2, 3, or 12 (known as “craps”), Pass Line bets lose. Any other number rolled (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) establishes the “point.”
  3. Establishing the Point: Once the point is set, the objective for the shooter is to roll that number again before rolling a 7. If the point number is rolled, Pass Line bets win. If a 7 is rolled first, Pass Line bets lose.
  4. Additional Bets: Beyond the Pass Line, there are a variety of other bets that can be made, such as “Don’t Pass,” “Come,” “Don’t Come,” and “Odds” bets, as well as specific bets on numbers or combinations.

Craps is known for its communal and lively nature, often drawing large crowds of participants and spectators. The game combines elements of luck with betting strategy, making it both engaging and exciting for players. The numerous betting options and phases of the game add complexity, but also a depth of play that has contributed to Craps’ enduring popularity in the gambling world.


A Croupier is a term specifically used in the game of Roulette, as well as in other table games, to refer to the casino employee responsible for operating the game. In Roulette, the croupier has several key responsibilities:

  1. Managing the Table: The croupier oversees the layout where bets are placed and manages the players around the Roulette table. They ensure that the game runs smoothly, maintaining the pace and ensuring that all players adhere to the rules.
  2. Spinning the Wheel and Ball: One of the most recognizable duties of a croupier in Roulette is spinning the Roulette wheel in one direction and rolling the small ball in the opposite direction. The outcome is determined by where the ball lands on the wheel.
  3. Handling Bets: The croupier is responsible for handling the players’ bets. They collect losing bets and pay out winnings. They also announce when no more bets can be placed as the wheel spins and the ball is about to land.
  4. Assisting Players: A croupier often assists players in understanding the rules of the game, especially if they are new to Roulette. They might answer questions about betting options, payouts, and game etiquette.

The role of a croupier is crucial in creating an enjoyable and fair gambling experience. They are trained to be professional, efficient, and often required to have good mathematical skills to calculate payouts quickly. The croupier is also a key figure in ensuring the integrity of the game, overseeing the action to prevent any cheating or rule violations.



The d’Alembert is a betting strategy often used in gambling games like Roulette, named after the 18th-century French mathematician Jean le Rond d’Alembert. It’s a popular strategy due to its simplicity and relatively low risk compared to more aggressive systems like the Martingale. Here’s how the d’Alembert strategy typically works:

  1. Starting Bet: You start by deciding on a base unit for your bet, which could be any amount you are comfortable with, such as $1, $5, $10, etc.
  2. Incrementing and Decrementing Bets: The core principle of the d’Alembert system is to increase your bet by one unit after a loss and decrease it by one unit after a win. This approach is less aggressive than doubling the bet after a loss, as in the Martingale system.
  3. Application: If you bet $5 and lose, your next bet should be $6. If you win that round, you then decrease your next bet to $5. This pattern continues, incrementing and decrementing by your base betting unit.
  4. Goal: The idea is that by slightly increasing your bet after a loss and decreasing it after a win, you can eventually recoup losses and gain a profit when you have as many wins as losses. The system is designed to work best with even-money bets in Roulette, such as betting on red or black, odd or even, or high or low numbers.

The d’Alembert system is based on the theory of equilibrium, assuming that over time, wins and losses will balance out. However, like all betting systems, it cannot overcome the house edge and is not a guaranteed way to profit. It is important for players to gamble responsibly and be aware of the risks involved in any betting system.

Dead Man’s Hand

The “Dead Man’s Hand” in poker traditionally consists of two black aces and two black eights. The hand is often associated with the fifth card, which varies in different accounts, but the core of the hand is the aces and eights. This hand gained notoriety because it was reportedly the hand held by Wild Bill Hickok when he was fatally shot during a poker game.

Deposit Bonus

A “Deposit Bonus” is a common promotional offer provided by online casinos to incentivize players to deposit funds into their casino accounts. This type of bonus typically works as follows:

  1. Match Percentage: The most common form of a deposit bonus is a match percentage of the amount deposited. For example, a casino might offer a 100% deposit bonus up to a certain amount. This means if you deposit $100, the casino will add an additional $100 in bonus funds to your account, giving you a total of $200 to play with.
  2. Minimum and Maximum Limits: Deposit bonuses usually come with minimum and maximum limits. The casino might require a minimum deposit to qualify for the bonus, and the maximum bonus amount will be capped.
  3. Wagering Requirements: These bonuses typically have wagering requirements, which dictate how many times the bonus amount must be wagered before the player can withdraw it as cash. For example, a 30x wagering requirement on a $100 bonus means the player must make bets totaling $3,000 before the bonus converts to withdrawable cash.
  4. Eligible Games: Some deposit bonuses may only be applicable for certain games or categories, like slots, table games, or live dealer games. The terms and conditions will specify these restrictions.
  5. Expiration Date: Deposit bonuses usually have an expiration date, meaning that the wagering requirements must be met within a certain time frame, or the bonus will expire.
  6. First-Time Depositors: Often, these bonuses are particularly targeted at new players as a part of a welcome package, though many online casinos also offer deposit bonuses to existing players as a part of regular promotions or loyalty programs.

A deposit bonus enhances the value of a player’s deposit by increasing their total playing funds. It’s a popular way for casinos to attract new players and retain existing ones. However, players should always read the terms and conditions carefully to understand the requirements and limitations of these bonuses.


In Roulette, a “Dolly” is a small marker used by the dealer (or croupier) to indicate the winning number after each spin of the roulette wheel. The dolly is typically a clear or colored plastic marker, sometimes shaped like a dome or a cylinder, and it’s placed on the roulette table directly on top of the number that has just won.

Here are some key points about the dolly in Roulette:

  1. Identifying the Winning Number: After the ball lands in a slot on the wheel, the dealer places the dolly on the corresponding number on the table layout. This clearly shows all players which number has won.
  2. No More Bets: Once the dolly is in place, players are not allowed to place new bets, touch or change their existing bets, or collect any winnings from the table. This is to ensure the integrity of the game and avoid any disputes about which bets were placed before the ball landed.
  3. Payout Process: The dealer will first remove all losing bets from the table. Then, they will proceed to pay out the winning bets. Once all payouts are complete, the dealer will remove the dolly from the table, signaling that players can collect their winnings and place new bets for the next spin.
  4. Role in the Game: The use of the dolly is a crucial aspect of roulette table etiquette and procedure. It helps maintain order and clarity in the game, especially in a busy casino setting where multiple players are betting on different numbers.

The dolly is a simple yet essential tool in Roulette, helping to manage the game flow and ensure fair play.

Don’t Come

In Craps, the “Don’t Come” bet is essentially the opposite of a Come bet. It’s a wager made after the point has been established on the come-out roll. The Don’t Come bet is a bet against the shooter, meaning you are betting that the shooter will lose. Here’s how it works:

  1. Placing the Bet: You place a Don’t Come bet after a point has been established by the shooter’s come-out roll. This bet is made on a subsequent roll.
  2. Winning and Losing Conditions: If the shooter rolls a 2 or 3 after you place a Don’t Come bet, you win. If a 7 or 11 is rolled, you lose. A roll of 12 typically results in a push, meaning the bet neither wins nor loses (though this can vary by casino rules).
  3. Establishing a Don’t Come Point: If the roll is a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, that number becomes your “Don’t Come point.” To win this bet, a 7 must be rolled before your Don’t Come point is rolled again. If the Don’t Come point is rolled before a 7, the Don’t Come bet loses.
  4. Betting Against the Shooter: This bet is considered a “wrong” bet because you’re betting against the shooter and, typically, most of the other players. However, it’s a legitimate betting strategy in Craps and can be part of a player’s approach to the game.

The Don’t Come bet offers a different dynamic in the game of Craps, appealing to those who want to bet against the potential outcome of the majority of players. It’s part of what makes Craps a game with diverse betting options and strategies.

Don’t Pass Line

In Craps, the “Don’t Pass Line” bet is a fundamental wager and one of the most commonly placed bets in the game. It’s essentially the opposite of the Pass Line bet, as it involves betting against the shooter. Here’s how the Don’t Pass Line bet works:

  1. Come-Out Roll: The Don’t Pass Line bet is typically made before the come-out roll, which is the first roll of a new round in Craps.
  2. Winning Conditions: If the come-out roll is a 2 or 3, the Don’t Pass Line bet wins. If the come-out roll is a 7 or 11, the Don’t Pass Line bet loses.
  3. Tie on 12: In many versions of Craps, if the come-out roll is a 12, the bet results in a tie or “push,” where the player’s bet is returned without any winnings. However, this rule can vary, with some casinos treating a 12 as a loss for the Don’t Pass Line bet.
  4. Point Phase: If the come-out roll is a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, this number becomes the “point.” To win a Don’t Pass Line bet after the point is established, a 7 must be rolled before the point number is rolled again. If the point number is rolled before a 7, the Don’t Pass Line bet loses.
  5. Betting Against the Shooter: Players who bet on the Don’t Pass Line are essentially betting against the shooter – that is, betting that the shooter will not make their point. For this reason, the Don’t Pass Line bet is often seen as betting with the house and can be less popular in terms of the communal aspect of Craps, where many players typically bet with the shooter on the Pass Line.

The Don’t Pass Line bet is known for its low house edge, making it one of the more attractive bets in terms of odds for the player. It’s a key part of Craps strategy for many players, especially those who prefer to bet against the likelihood of the shooter winning.

Double Down

In Blackjack, “Double Down” is a betting option that allows a player to double their original bet in exchange for receiving just one more card. This move can be quite advantageous but also carries a risk, as it can only be done on a player’s first two cards. Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Initial Hand Value: Players usually consider doubling down when they have a hand total that could benefit from one additional card. Common scenarios include having a total of 9, 10, or 11, where getting a high card (like a 10 or an Ace) could bring the total close to 21.
  2. Doubling the Bet: If a player decides to double down, they must place an additional bet equal to their original bet next to their current wager.
  3. Receiving One More Card: After doubling down, the player will receive only one more card. They cannot hit for additional cards after this.
  4. Restrictions: Some casinos may have restrictions on when players can double down. For example, they might only allow doubling down on certain totals (like 10 or 11) or may not allow it after splitting a pair.
  5. Strategic Move: Doubling down is a strategic decision in Blackjack. It’s a way to maximize winnings when the odds are in the player’s favor, but it can also lead to bigger losses if not used wisely.

The decision to double down should be based on the player’s hand value, the dealer’s upcard, and an understanding of the game’s strategy. When used effectively, it can be one of the most powerful tools in a Blackjack player’s arsenal for increasing potential winnings.

Double for Less

In Blackjack, “Double for Less” is an option where a player can choose to double down for an amount less than their original bet. This contrasts with the standard double down rule, which typically requires the player to match their initial bet completely. Here’s how Double for Less works:

  1. Decision to Double Down: When a player has a hand they believe could benefit from one additional card, and they decide to double down, they can choose the Double for Less option.
  2. Doubling for a Lesser Amount: Instead of placing an additional bet equal to their original bet, the player can choose to double down for any amount up to the original bet. For instance, if the original bet was $20, the player could choose to double down for $10, or any amount less than $20.
  3. Receiving One More Card: Similar to a regular double down, the player will receive only one more card after choosing to Double for Less.
  4. Potential Payouts and Risks: The potential winnings from a Double for Less bet are proportionate to the amount wagered. If the player wins, they win on both their original bet and the reduced double down bet. However, the reduced bet also means a potentially lower payout than a full double down.
  5. Strategic Considerations: Players might opt for Double for Less when they want to take advantage of the double down option but are cautious about risking the full amount of their initial bet, possibly due to a weaker hand or unfavorable dealer upcard.

While Double for Less offers a more conservative approach to doubling down, it’s important for players to consider the reduced potential return against the benefits of a full double down bet. As with all Blackjack decisions, the choice to Double for Less should be informed by the player’s hand, the dealer’s upcard, and basic Blackjack strategy.

Double or Nothing

“Double or Nothing” is a term used in gambling, including Blackjack, to describe a type of bet where a player risks their current winnings for a chance to double that amount or lose it all. In Blackjack, this term is often used informally to describe a situation where a player decides to double down, but the concept can apply more broadly in various gambling contexts. Here’s how it generally works:

  1. Doubling Down in Blackjack: In the specific context of Blackjack, when a player chooses to double down, they are essentially engaging in a “double or nothing” bet. They double their original bet in exchange for one additional card, with the chance of doubling their winnings or losing both the original bet and the additional amount.
  2. Other Gambling Games: In other gambling games, “double or nothing” might refer to a situation where a player has won a hand or round and is offered a chance to bet those winnings on a single, often 50/50, outcome. If they win, they double their winnings; if they lose, they forfeit what they had just won.
  3. Risk vs. Reward: The double or nothing bet is attractive for its potential to quickly increase winnings, but it carries the risk of losing the existing winnings on a single decision or outcome.
  4. Strategic Consideration: While the prospect of doubling winnings can be appealing, it’s important for players to weigh this against the risk of losing their current stake. Responsible gambling and understanding of the game’s odds are crucial when considering a double or nothing bet.

In summary, “double or nothing” is a high-risk, high-reward betting strategy used in various gambling games, including Blackjack. It offers the excitement of potentially doubling winnings but also the risk of losing everything on the line.

Down Card

In Blackjack, a “Down Card” refers to a card that is dealt face down, so its value is not visible to the players. This term is often used in contrast to an “Up Card,” which is dealt face up and is visible to everyone at the table. Understanding the role of the down card is important in the gameplay and strategy of Blackjack:

  1. Dealer’s Hole Card: In most Blackjack games, the dealer receives two cards, one face up (the up card) and the other face down (the down card or hole card). The down card remains hidden until all players have completed their actions (hit, stand, double down, split, etc.).
  2. Player Strategy: Players base their decisions partly on the value of the dealer’s up card, as the down card is unknown. The strategy involves predicting the potential hand of the dealer based on the visible up card.
  3. Revealing the Down Card: Once players have acted, the dealer reveals the down card. Depending on the game rules and the total of the dealer’s hand, the dealer may then hit or stand.
  4. No Hole Card Game: In some Blackjack variations, especially in European casinos, the dealer does not receive a down card until after the players have made their decisions. This rule variation can affect certain player strategies, particularly regarding splitting and doubling down.

The concept of the down card adds an element of mystery and strategy to Blackjack, as players must make decisions without knowing the complete picture of the dealer’s hand.

Down to the Felt

“Down to the Felt” is a phrase used in gambling to describe a situation where a player has lost all of their chips or money and is completely out of funds. The term “felt” refers to the felt fabric that covers most gambling tables. Here’s a deeper look into this expression:

  1. Complete Loss: When someone is “down to the felt,” it means they have exhausted their resources. In the context of a casino table game, it signifies that the player has no more chips in front of them to continue playing.
  2. Origin: The phrase likely originates from the visual of a gambler losing all their chips, leaving only the felt of the table in front of them, without any chips or money.
  3. Broader Use: While it is commonly used in the context of table games like poker or blackjack, the term can be applied more broadly to any gambling situation where a player has run out of funds.
  4. Connotation: The expression often carries a connotation of misfortune or a streak of bad luck, highlighting the unpredictable and risk-filled nature of gambling.

“Down to the felt” is one of many colorful phrases used in the gambling world to describe the highs and lows experienced by players. It underscores the importance of responsible gambling and the need to be aware of one’s limits while engaging in any betting activity.

Dozen Bet

In Roulette, a “Dozen Bet” is a wager that covers a group of twelve numbers on the roulette table. The table is divided into three dozens, and each Dozen Bet covers one of these groups. Here’s how it works:

  1. Groups of Twelve: The numbers on a roulette layout are divided into three groups of twelve for the purposes of this bet. The first dozen includes numbers 1-12, the second dozen covers numbers 13-24, and the third dozen encompasses numbers 25-36.
  2. Placing the Bet: To make a Dozen Bet, you place your chips on the designated area of the roulette table marked for ‘1st 12,’ ‘2nd 12,’ or ‘3rd 12.’
  3. Payouts: If the roulette ball lands on any number within the dozen you have bet on, you win. The payout for a Dozen Bet is typically 2 to 1. This means that if you bet $10 and win, you will receive $20 in winnings, plus your original $10 bet back, totaling $30.
  4. Probability: A Dozen Bet covers approximately one-third of the numbers on the roulette wheel (excluding the 0 and 00 in American roulette), offering a higher probability of winning compared to a bet on a single number.
  5. Strategy: Some players use Dozen Bets as part of their roulette strategy, as these bets offer a balance between risk and potential reward, covering more numbers than a more specific bet like a straight up (single number) bet, but with higher payouts than outside bets like red/black or odd/even.

The Dozen Bet is a popular choice in Roulette for players looking to cover a significant portion of the wheel with a single bet, providing a moderate probability of winning and a reasonable payout.


In Blackjack, the term “Draw” refers to the action of a player requesting an additional card from the dealer. This action is also commonly known as “hitting.” When a player chooses to draw, they are seeking to improve the total value of their hand without exceeding 21. Here’s how it works:

  1. Player’s Decision: During their turn, a player decides whether to draw based on the total value of their hand and what they believe the dealer’s hidden card (the hole card) might be. The decision to draw is influenced by the goal of getting as close to 21 as possible without going over (busting).
  2. Receiving an Additional Card: If a player decides to draw, the dealer gives them another card from the deck. The value of this card is added to the player’s current hand total.
  3. Continuing the Game: After drawing, the player assesses their new hand total. They can choose to draw additional cards (hit again), or if they are satisfied with their hand total, they can choose to stand (not take any more cards).
  4. Strategy Considerations: The decision to draw is a crucial part of Blackjack strategy. Players consider the dealer’s upcard, the composition of their hand (such as whether it’s a soft hand—a hand containing an Ace counted as 11—or a hard hand), and the rules of the game when deciding whether to hit.

The concept of drawing is fundamental to the game of Blackjack, representing the risk-and-reward decisions players must make as they aim to achieve a hand value closer to 21 than the dealer, without busting.


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